Virtual sex during the general computerization is becoming more and more popular: the search networks of the Internet give out a lot of links on this topic, offering users of the worldwide network sex chats, special programs and more. But are there any advantages to virtual sex, and is it worth it at all to get involved in?
The next interesting and relevant topic today is virtual sex
To virtual sex, psychologists and sexologists include all types of sexual interaction in the absence of a real physical partner using cyber space. Telephone sex, communication through SMS of erotic content also applies to him. According to psychologists, “virtuonism” attracts an increasing number of converts, significantly modifying their intimate life.
Reasons for “Wirth”
Family people resort to virtual sex due to a lack of emotional intimacy and mutual understanding. Spouses were swallowed up by household problems, and at work a constant load. Because of workers, domestic, financial hardships, they simply run away to where they feel good. Also, as a rule, problems in the sexual sphere and the inability to discuss them openly contribute to leaving for virtual sex with the telefonsex mit cam.
As for adolescents, in this way they solve problems in communicating with peers, inability to talk about their worries at home, and self-doubt when communicating with the opposite sex.
To begin, we note the pros. The risk of an unwanted pregnancy does not exist. Well, that’s understandable, you won’t get pregnant on the phone, and through a webcam too.
- In the search for a sexual virtual partner, everything happens much faster and easier than in ordinary life. No need to give flowers, lead to the movies and arrange romantic evenings. He sat down in front of the screen, wrapped his hand in his palm … the mouse and all the beauties of the world are yours.
- You will not be raped. Virtual sex can be stopped at any time if you do not agree with the wishes of the partner or just change your mind.
- On this, perhaps, the pros ended. Now let’s talk about the cons when real sex is happening less and less and cybersex kills.
25% of young people under 30 years old (mostly men) suffer from pathological attachment to visiting sites with strawberries and virtual sex. Complaints are the same – reduced sexual attraction to real partners. And how many of those who did not get to the specialist with such a problem? At times more.
Often this problem is addressed by people who are familiar with psychology and understand that something is wrong with them, young people and middle-aged people who have a problem with building real relationships, couples or people who have paired relationships, whom virtual sex causes alienation and rejection of a joint sex life, as well as people suffering from sexual addiction. More often than not, virtual sex is practiced by men.